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Work From Outside – The New Work Trend for 2023

woman outdoors using laptop


The work-from-home trend of 2020 got an upgrade this year, and as big fans of outdoor living, we are here for it! This hot work trend is called “work-from-outside (WFO),” and many remote workers are jumping on board!


Remote work and fresh air during peak business hours used to be something that many employees only dreamed of. However, now that it is a reality for more people (whether on a full-time or hybrid basis), they aren’t wasting any time creating an outdoor space for remote work!


One of the great joys of many work-from-home jobs is having more freedom to work from anywhere; however, when you have the perfect outdoor office setup for remote work, you will have no desire to work anywhere else! Move over trendy coffee shops or costly coworking hotspots – inspiring outdoor workspaces for remote professionals are in town!


If you are a remote worker interested in balancing work and nature at home or you seek an outdoor office setup for remote work ideas, then find a comfy spot on your deck or patio and continue reading! By the end of this article, you will have soaked up some vitamin D, learned more about the benefits of working from home outside, and gleaned tips for setting up a home office outside!


The Health and Wellness Benefits of Working from Home Outside 

Do you often hit a 3 p.m. slump where your productivity, focus, and overall motivation drop off? Do you find that you also reach a point in your day where your creativity isn’t flowing as freely? Do you reach for another cup of coffee to try to get you through to quitting time? If so, you are not alone! These experiences of “hitting a wall” are very common challenges for both in-office and work-from-home employees, but there are solutions that can help – working from home outside!


One of the best remedies when focus, productivity, and creativity begin to decline is getting outside in a natural environment. It is amazing how much even a quick mental break, some fresh air, and light physical activity can make a difference! Studies show that even just looking out a window at trees or greenery can give indoor workers a boost, so it is no wonder that there are so many benefits of working from home outside in nature!


The benefits of working from home outside include:

  • Boosting creativity through outdoor remote work

  • Enhancing work productivity with outdoor surroundings

  • Increased memory and attention span

  • Enhanced mood

  • Reduced stress

  • Increased energy levels

  • Improved immune system and respiratory health

  • Better sleep quality

  • Reduced absenteeism

  • Increased opportunities for exercise

  • And more!


For these reasons, more employers and their teams are recognizing the value of working outdoors. For in-office and hybrid workers, businesses are seeking ways to make it easier for their teams to soak up some sun, fresh air, and green spaces while at work. For remote workers, they are changing their workplace cultures to encourage their work-from-home colleagues to take advantage of opportunities to work outside for even some of their day.


While you may not be able to work fully outside, try it out this week to see if you notice the mental and physical benefits of remote working outdoors!


woman outside drinking coffee and using a laptop


Creating a Seamless Remote Work Experience in an Outdoor Setting

As part of ensuring remote workers have what they need to succeed, technology solutions for working from home outside are also trending. Of course, virtual collaboration and meeting tools and software remain a top pick for hybrid teams with remote employees. However, the work-from-outside option also creates the need to maximize outdoor work environment productivity. In many cases, security is also a top concern, prompting companies and remote workers to utilize technology solutions that protect their data and accounts. We cover these more below.


To maximize productivity when working from home outdoors, technology solutions like Wi-Fi extenders and VPNs are becoming more popular – particularly for remote workers working outdoors away from the range of their home modem. For example, some work-from-home employees work from a portion of their property with a less reliable internet signal, so they utilize a booster to strengthen their connection. Other remote workers may seek out public gardens or patios with shared Wi-Fi. In those cases, a VPN connection helps safeguard their information and correspondence.    


Other popular tools for working outdoors include glare protectors for laptop screens to improve screen visibility even on bright sunny days. Headphones, earbuds, and microphones with noise and wind reduction are other technology solutions that make outdoor remote work more seamless.


Tips For Setting Up a Home Office Outside

When designing your outdoor workspace for remote work, there are several considerations to keep in mind, including:

  • Creating a comfortable and ergonomic outdoor workspace

  • Establishing a fully functional outdoor workspace

  • Protecting yourself and your workspace from the elements

While you really can set up a makeshift outdoor work area and get by with a laptop, you will likely find that you are more comfortable and productive if you dedicate a work-from-outside setup on your deck or patio.


relaxing outdoor office setup


Creating a comfortable and ergonomic outdoor workspace

Curling up on any outdoor sofa with your laptop when you work from home outside may feel cozy at first, but inevitably that lacklustre outdoor office setup will wreak havoc on your neck, shoulders, back, wrists, and hips. Therefore, just like ergonomics are important in an indoor office space, you should do your best to incorporate ergonomic principles into a comfortable outdoor workspace too.   


When designing a comfortable outdoor workspace for remote work, plan to have a table and ergonomic chair where you can complete the majority of your work throughout the day. Purchase a desk with weather-resistant materials, or talk to your local deck builder about adding a built-in desk area to your deck, patio, or pergola. Be sure also to find an ergonomic chair if you plan to use your outdoor work area for most of your day.


Establishing a fully functional outdoor workspace

Of course, creating a fully functional outdoor workspace will also require you to consider your needs for power – particularly if you hope to work from home outside for several hours at a time or rely on tools like extra screens or a scanner/printer to complete your duties. You will also want to ensure you have enough desk space to work comfortably.


If you are building a new outdoor workspace, be sure to let your deck builder know what you require so they can ensure you have everything you need for a productive workday.


Protecting yourself and your workspace from the elements

Weather considerations for working from home outside are also critical when planning your outdoor office setup. While working in the sun all day may sound glamourous at first, you may quickly find that a more sheltered space is more conducive to both comfort and productivity.


It is also vital to have a sheltered outdoor workspace if your work equipment will be at risk of overheating from the sun or getting damaged in the rain. Windy days can also prove to be a challenge if you work with documents that can be swept up and carried away by strong breezes.


Don’t risk getting caught in an unexpected summer sun shower – work some protection from the elements into your plan! Talk to your local deck builder about ways to create a sheltered outdoor work area on your deck or patio. Often, installing a canopy or privacy wall can go a long way in blocking wind and rain. Pergolas and pavilions are another great option for outdoor offices for remote workers seeking a dedicated space outside.


man using a laptop in a terrace



In conclusion, the work-from-outside trend is an ideal option for homeowners seeking to balance work and nature at home. There are many mental health and productivity benefits that help both remote workers and employers reach their goals without sacrificing well-being or the bottom line.


With the right technology solutions for working from home outside, you really can work from anywhere! Whether you are working on your own property or in a more public outdoor space, collaboration tools, anti-glare screen protectors, and anti-wind headphones make it possible for remote workers to accomplish tasks while enjoying the beauty of nature.


Creating a seamless remote work experience in an outdoor setting is easy if you have a comfortable, ergonomic, and sheltered space on your deck or patio. Pergolas for remote workspaces are also a popular option.


No matter where you choose to establish your outdoor office setup for remote work, we know you’ll love experiencing the joys of working from outside and spending more time enjoying outdoor living!


Get Your Backyard WFO-Ready With Decks by Premier!

Do you have a space in mind on your deck or patio where you would like to set up a home office outside? Does it need some work before it is the perfect outdoor workspace for remote work? Then Decks by Premier is here to help! We love the work-from-outside trend and are happy to help maximize your comfort, privacy, and productivity.


With over 90 years of experience serving homeowners in Kitchener-Waterloo, Cambridge, and surrounding areas, our reputation for quality work you can count on is unmatched.


Reach out to us to get connected with a Deck by Premier sales representative today! We look forward to scheduling a no-obligation, on-site consultation at your convenience. Your home is our pleasure, and we look forward to making your vision for your outdoor workspace a reality.

Dan Boyer at 9:00 AM
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