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Incorporating Raised Garden Beds into Your Backyard Oasis

Raised garden bed in courtyard



Gardening with raised beds is a popular choice for many people. You can put a garden practically anywhere with raised beds, even if your backyard isn’t suitable for planting a ground-level garden. They’re perfect for people who have back issues as they save gardeners from bending over farther than they need to, and they’re incredibly customizable.


To decide if raised garden beds are right for you, read through the types of beds below to see which one could be right for you.



Types of Garden Beds:



1. Raised Ground Beds

Raised ground beds do not require any additional material apart from soil.


It is a very simple type of raised bed with flat-topped mounds between 6 to 8 inches in height. These kinds of beds are ideal for people looking to plant gardens in larger areas but don’t want the added expense of including support frames.



2. Containerized Raised Beds

Containerized raised beds have larger sides, typically starting at 10 inches or higher.


Boasting the benefit of being able to be placed anywhere, from lawns and patios to decks and walkways. Although they require more soil to fill, they’re versatile and easy to use, making them the ideal choice for high-traffic areas and people with mobility problems.



3. Supported Raised Beds

Supported raised beds have edges or frames surrounding them that keep the soil contained, and they’re typically composed of wood, metal, plastic, or stone.



Supported garden bed with rhubarb plants


Supported raised beds are good for yards that are uneven or sloped while adding a put-together look to a backyard.



4. Elevated Raised Beds

Elevated raised beds are similar to containerized raised beds, but this variety sits higher, on supporting legs that bring the growing area to a reasonable standing height.



Aspects to Consider When Adding Raised Garden Beds into Your Backyard



1. Materials

Typically, raised garden beds are made from rot-resistant timber like fir and cedar.


However, they can also be made from stone, concrete, plastic, and woven willow. Material choices largely depend on personal preferences.

With vegetable gardens though, try to avoid pressure-treated lumber since it can leach heavy metals into the soil. The majority of simple-to-assemble raised garden beds are made from rot-resistant, food-safe wood or plastic.



2. Assembly

Raised garden bed kits are easier options to assemble than making your own from scratch.


With a DIY raised garden bed, you will need to shop for materials and cut them properly to size, while a kit will provide you with everything you need.



3. Size

An obvious factor to consider when installing a raised garden bed is size.


Length will be limited by the size of your backyard and the building materials you have available. In terms of width, you need to ensure that you can reach across the garden bed and reach the centre without having to step through it. For the majority of folks, 4 feet is the ideal width for a garden bed.


4. Added Features

Raised garden beds can come with a variety of different features including wheels, trellises, removable greenhouse covers, legs to elevate the bed, storage shelves, or built-in irrigation systems.



Flower garden bed raised on deck


No matter what your gardening needs are, you’re likely going to find a raised bed that suits your backyard and needs.



Raised Garden Bed Ideas


1. Woven Wicker

A woven wicker raised garden bed is the perfect option for a rustic, English garden.



2. Classic Stone-Raised Bed 

An informal stone-raised bed with large, stacked boulders fitted perfectly to create the ideal foundation for your garden.



3. Modern Metal

Raised metal beds are the perfect way to incorporate a modern feel into your backyard.


This option will blend artfully with your outdoor landscape. Metal is a reliable material choice since it’s long-lasting and durable.



4. Trellis

Adding a trellis to a raised garden bed is ideal for climbing plants, flowers, or edibles.



Raised garden bed with trellis



5. Higher the Better

Tall planters are aesthetically pleasing and help keep animals away from your precious plants.



6. Wall-Hugging Planter

Ideal for small spaces, a wall-hugging planter is ideal for maximizing the space in the garden.



7. Attached Bench

An attached bench is a handy addition to a raised garden bed that eliminates the need for excessive bending.



Raised flower bed on apartment roof



8. Rolling Trolley

A rolling trolley planter is great for smaller outdoor spaces and is convenient with the added feature of wheels for easy transportation.



9. Colourful Raised Beds

Colourful beds help infuse brightness into your yard year-round.



10. Fenced Panels

Raised garden beds with added fended panels will add extra security and protection against unwanted backyard visitors like rabbits and squirrels.




There is a lot of versatility that goes along with raised garden beds, especially when you want to maximize your backyard space and keep your oasis looking fresh and fabulous.


Implement raised garden beds in your yard and enjoy the convenience they have to offer.




Steve Livock at 9:00 AM
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